Burlington 9/61 Dear ma I tho ught I write you a few lines to let you know how I was a getin [sic] g along I have had a slight cold but am better now Jonn Y Lyons has been Recruiting in Vermont for the Vt Brigade he is of on a furlough and sa id he would stop in Brando n but i guess he did not mean what he said there is a man a Dying here my hand is all right we expect to leave here soon Monday or Tuesday youm [sic] ay look for me then we are in a large building near the lake the lake is not broke up yet this is a rough place one of our boys got his head split open [ page break] open down on the Rail Road [sic] the other night there was only 3 of the 7th Reported here Lieut Fish of company A he will take good care of of me how are you I hope you are better how is pa and all the rest of the folks I wish you wou ld send me a few pills in the letter Direct in care of Capt Jones Burlington vt George